Juniper Berry Essential Oil Uses & Benefits

Published 18th Aug 2022

Uses And Benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper Berry has been used since ancient times as it was believed to ward off various illnesses, evil spirits and negative thoughts. The benefits and uses of Juniper Berry were also highly valued in ancient Egypt and Tibet, where it was used as a medicinal remedy to treat tapeworms, infections, respiratory conditions, arthritis and rheumatic pain.

Today, Juniper Berry Essential Oil is prized for its many benefits that are known to assist in all aspects of life, from aromatherapy, skincare and medicinal uses to haircare and household cleaning.

What Is Juniper Berry Essential Oil?

Steam distilled from the berries of the Juniperus communis botanical species, Juniper Berry Essential Oil carries a fresh yet warm, rich and somewhat balsamic pine needle like aroma.

Benefits Of Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Medicinal Use

  • As a stimulating essential oil, Juniper Berry Oil has been seen to be an effective agent for water retention, as it works to cleanse and purify the body. These Juniper Berry Essential Oil benefits can be received by diluting and massaging into the skin.
  • When used in an aromatherapy massage, the properties within Juniper Berry Oil work to eliminate uric acid, which is known to contribute to discomforts associated with arthritis, rheumatism and gout.
  • It is further believed to have an analgesic effect while stimulating circulation and for this reason, it may assist those experiencing muscular aches and pains.

Benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Cosmetic Use

  • Due to its astringent, antiseptic and soothing abilities, the benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil are known to assist with various skin conditions such as acne, dermatitis and eczema.
  • When used on the scalp, these soothing properties may also assist with seborrhea or dandruff.

Benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil in Aromatherapy

  • When used in aromatherapy practices, Juniper Berry Essential Oil is known for its neurotronic effect, making it a great natural remedy for stress and mental exhaustion.
  • It is further believed to have a strengthening and cleansing effect on the mind and emotional system and because of this, it is used to alleviate negative feelings such as loneliness, sadness, insecurity and guilt.

Popular Uses and Benefits of Juniper Berry Oil

Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Skin

How To Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil On The Skin

  • The astringent, antiseptic and antibacterial properties within Juniper Berry Oil work to soothe inflamed skin conditions.
  • Those who experience acne, dermatitis and eczema may benefit by diluting and applying this essential oil to affected areas.
  • Its stimulating properties are also believed to smooth cellulite and uneven skin.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Stress

How To Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Stress

  • Juniper Berry Essential Oil is known to be an effective neurotronic and this makes it particularly beneficial to those experiencing feelings of stress and nervousness.
  • When diffused and inhaled, it has also been seen to alleviate negative feelings of loneliness, sadness, insecurity and guilt.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil for General Health

How To Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil for General Health

  • When diluted and applied to the skin, the benefits of Juniper Berry Essential Oil have been seen to ease water retention as it is believed to detoxify the cleanse the body.
  • It has also been seen to relieve pain and discomfort associated with arthritis, rheumatism and gout, by eliminating uric acid.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil In Aromatherapy

How To Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil In Aromatherapy

  • In aromatherapy, other Juniper Berry Essential Oil benefits have been seen to assist with stress.
  • The stimulating properties within this oil further work to energise and enliven the mind and for this reason, it is commonly diffused in offices and workspaces.

Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Arthritis

How to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil for Arthritis

  • Juniper Berry Oil has been seen to be a fantastic natural remedy for arthritis.
  • This is because when diluted and applied topically the properties within this oil stimulate circulation while eliminating uric acid.

How To Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil?

How to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil in Aromatherapy?

Diffusing: One of the most popular ways to use Juniper Berry Essential Oil is in an aromatherapy diffuser or electric vaporizer. Simply add a few drops and let the pleasantly refreshing aroma of Juniper Berry Oil fill your environment.
Inhaling: The therapeutic and aromatic benefits of Juniper Berry Oil can also be received by directly inhaling from the bottle. Just be sure to avoid contact with the skin as this may result in irritation.
Warm Bath: Add a few drops to a warm bath to soothe the mind and relax the body.
Cleansing Shower: You can also add a drop to each corner of your shower, the aroma will rise with the steam to create an energizing atmosphere.

How to Use Juniper Berry Essential Oil on the Skin (Topical Application)

Massage: To create a Juniper Berry infused massage oil, simply add a few drops to a carrier oil or base massage oil and gently massage into sore areas.
Skin Serum: To treat any skin complaints, add a few drops to a carrier oil and apply to affected areas.
Moisturiser: Juniper Berry Oil can also be added to any base moisturisers or skincare products to enhance existing benefits.

How to dilute essential oils. Essential oils dilution guide.

Where To Buy Juniper Berry Essential Oil

Juniper Berry Essential Oil can generally be found in any health, cosmetic and wellbeing retail stores however, it is important to know that the quality and purity of essential oils will vary according to where they are purchased. For this reason, we always recommend finding a reputable and reliable supplier who is willing to provide product documentation.

Here at AWO, quality and purity are of paramount importance and that is why we only provide Juniper Berry Essential Oil that is 100% pure, simply follow the link below to view the entire range:

Juniper Berry Oil benefits. Juniper Berry Oil uses.

What Customers Are Saying About Juniper Berry Oil

“Never had this amazing oil before and I love it!”
Janet (Verified Customer)

“Excellent, love these oils!”
Mandi (Verified customer)

“Juniper Berry Oil is great to assist with sleep and has cured my night terrors. I swear by this product, it is great quality for a great price.”
Bel (Verified Customer)

Juniper Berry Essential Oil Safety

Whilst essential oils are natural products, they are extremely potent and can cause serious harm if used incorrectly. For this reason, we recommend the following:

  • In line with the Therapeutic Goods Act, we do not recommend ingesting essential oils without the guidance of a registered Aromatherapist or Naturopath.
  • Avoid using Juniper Berry Essential Oil during pregnancy and whilst breastfeeding.
  • We recommend storing your Essential Oils in a cool, dry place at room temperature, ensuring that they are not directly exposed to sunlight and are out of reach of children or pets.
  • Juniper Berry Essential Oil is very concentrated and is likely to cause irritation or reactions if applied directly to the skin. For this reason, it is important to first dilute your essential oils before using topically (on the skin). Our recommended dilution percentages can be found under the ‘Directions for Use’ section.


Tanu, B & Harpreet, K, 2016, ‘Benefits of essential oils’, Journal Of Chemical and Pharmaceutical Research, vol. 8, no. 6, pp. 143 – 149

*These statements have not been evaluated by the Food & Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any illness.

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