Is Bergamot Oil Safe for Dogs?

Published 17th Oct 2023

Aussies love animals – dogs, in particular - with almost half of us choosing ‘man’s best friend’ for a companion.

Of course, keeping a canine at home is a huge responsibility not to be taken lightly. To make it more difficult, many things considered safe for humans might not be quite so good for our doggos - aromatherapy oils like Bergamot among them.

Surely one of the world’s most popular essential oils for calming the body and mind, sweet and citrusy Bergamot, can’t be harmful to animals? In today’s article, we’re pulling this hot topic apart and laying down the details on dogs and Bergamot.

How Safe is Bergamot Essential Oil

Lots of people around the world love Bergamot. It’s easy to understand why when you consider its many benefits – an essential oil that’s said to aid skin support, calm over-active minds, fight infections and assist with sleep. Top those properties off with a beautifully fruity, floral aroma, and you have one popular oil perfect for aromatherapy.

While essential oils are generally considered safe, they must be used cautiously, and Bergamot is no different. Overall, if you follow the rules and use your oil as recommended - in small quantities, diluted with a carrier oil, applied carefully and always externally – you can enjoy the benefits of Bergamot without any hiccups.

What happens, then, if you take this popular essential oil and use it on your loyal companion – do the same safety rules apply to dogs as they do to humans?

Bergamot and Dogs

If you’re a dog owner, you are probably aware there are a whole bunch of foods that can cause sickness in your pet. While some of them make sense – think chocolate - others come as a complete surprise. Who would have guessed grapes could be so potent to a pooch?

But how about using essential oils as humans do, say, diffused as an aromatherapy oil or applied topically?

As it goes, many essential oils are explicitly toxic to dogs, even fatal. Peppermint, tea tree and eucalyptus oils are among the worst offenders, with even the smallest drop of one of these oils ingested, inhaled or contacting the skin known to cause sickness in dogs, from mild vomiting to life-threatening seizures. So, they are not an oil you would want to come into contact with your furry companion intentionally or accidentally.

Is Bergamot Safe for Dogs?

Bergamot is well known for its calming effect on humans - but is this the same for dogs?

Run a quick search online, and you'll find lots of sources claiming Bergamot oil is safe for dogs. Some say it has the same effect on dogs as with humans, reducing tension or feelings of anxiety. Others say it is excellent for the skin thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties and makes a good topical application for dogs. Contrarily, you'll find other sources that say Bergamot is a straight NO for pets.

It might depend on how you use your oil regarding the safety aspect – whether that's directly towards your dog or indirectly, as you enjoy Bergamot for your own benefits.

Let's look at some of the popular ways people use Bergamot and consider the safety of each one.

Bergamot in a Diffuser

To the many fans of essential oils, there is nothing better than using a diffuser to appreciate their beautiful aromas in your home. Unfortunately, once you have pets, this becomes somewhat tricky.

Dogs have an extreme sense of smell, thousands of times more powerful than ours. Inhaling essential oils can all too easily irritate their lungs and lead to respiratory issues. Indeed, do not consider diffusing oils without diluting them first, or the results can be catastrophic.

While you may be OK to diffuse certain oils in a contained space away from your pets for short periods, it is not recommended - certainly if your dog is used to wandering freely around your home and likely to enter the space afterwards. Aromatherapy oils can linger after the diffuser stops, and this can cause harm to your dog, particularly if it has experienced problems with breathing in the past.

In our opinion, that’s ‘Dog 1 – Diffuser 0’. Better to be safe and turn those diffusers to ‘Off’ once a dog’s in the frame.

Bergamot Scented Candles 

Burning a candle scented with Bergamot essential oil is much less potent than burning oil in a diffuser – but is it as harmful to dogs?

Like with a diffuser, the smoke from scented candles can harm your dog and impact its respiratory tract significantly. Besides the scent, some candles contain other chemicals that can damage your dog internally when inhaled. If you long for the ambience a burning candle derives, it's much better to opt for the unscented kind.

Also, while most dogs know to stay clear of a naked flame, once it's snuffed out, it can still cause an issue - particularly to the curious (and carnivorous) canine who'll consume anything in its sight!

Overall, it's far safer not to have candles about the place when there's a munching doggo around.

Bergamot Drops

Thanks to its relaxing properties, Bergamot is thought to benefit hyperactive dogs by calming them down. Those in favour say to add a drop of Bergamot oil to the dog's collar, favourite toy or blanket, and it will quickly work its magic.

The thing to remember here is just how much dogs love to lick. Ingesting Bergamot oil can pose a safety risk, even more so when undiluted, so it must always be used cautiously. If there is any chance of your dog licking the oil – which there is – then it's safer to say NO to Bergamot.

The same goes for wound management. With oils like Bergamot claiming to support the skin, you might think it's OK to apply topically to a scratch or cut to aid its recovery – yet that dog of yours is likely to lick away at the wound within seconds of its application, ingesting the oil and causing itself harm in the process.

A Final Word on the Safe Use of Bergamot on Dogs

We’re sure all you dog owners only want what is best for your furry friend. It’s likely what led you to think essential oils can support your dog's health and wellbeing – just as it does for you!

For us, there isn’t enough research to suggest that Bergamot is safe for dogs. On the contrary, it can lead to serious illness or worse, and no pet owner wants to lose their best friend unnecessarily.

If you do want to continue using aromatherapy oils once you have pets, our suggestion is to do so minimally, with extreme caution and if possible, outdoors or away from the home.

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